DNA Phenotyping

Advancements in DNA have gone beyond just matching profiles of unknown samples to knowns. Now actually utilizing the genome to predict physical traits and appearance takes DNA analysis to another level. Within CrimePad, using predictive images of suspects or persons of interest to share with the entire investigative team and the entire department can create a big break in a case.


Mobile access to fingerprint databases

Visionations has been a pioneer in this arena here in the US. Using CrimePad to interface with AFIS systems in the field to generate possible leads while the scene is still being processed has been a vision for a while. Visionations is currently exploring this opportunity with all the major AFIS vendors in the US.


CrimePad 3.3.3

We now have digital signatures incorporated for reports.

  • Digital signature for reports
  • Scene types list updated
  • New items added to Evidence list
  • Additional cases sorting option (by case number)
  • Performance improvements, better compatibility with iOS 10

CrimePad 3.2

Take your Crime Scene sketches to the next level!

  • NEW: Draw Tool for iPad (sketch scenes and annotate photos)
  • Lifts records in evidence
  • Scene type
  • General weather conditions field for scenes
  • Unit name for accounts and personnel
  • Country of residence field for person of interest
  • Lead number field