How to Buy

Step 1: Demo the App

First, try out CrimePad in the browser. You can sign up for a test account that will let you play around with a limited set of features.

To Demo:
1) Access the Browser Version.
2) Click “Create Account.”

apple   windows   android

Try Browser

Browser Requires: Chrome, Safari, Edge

Step 2: Unlock it for FREE

Just fill out the form to the right and get a fully unlocked version for free that you can use through your browser, or iPad/iPhone/Android/Windows app. At the same time, you may also request a quote for your agency.

Users are the total amount of detectives, crime scene investigators, and supervisors within your agency.

Step 3: Test it with your Team

We will set up a team account for your agency for you to test out ALL the features of the application. We will unlock your demo account to enable FULL FUNCTIONALITY.


Step 4: Verify with IT

We will work with your IT department to fit CrimePad into your IT policies and practices.


Step 5: Training

We are industry training veterans having trained the FBI, ASCLD, AAFS and others. We will train your department in the appropriate way to use CrimePad on real cases.


For any further questions:

(800) 495-9904